We had a couple of mini-projects in typography this term, as well as our big projects.
The first one was an analysis of a magazine, where we had to find out the underlying grid (grid = the plan, kind of like an architect's drawing, used to organize all the pieces of the design on the page(s) ) used in the spread (spread = two facing pages in a publication)
THAT one looks boring (it's just a print out of lines - bleh)
The SECOND exercise, however, was exciting, open-ended, and very fun.
We were given a list of typographic terms (basic things we will need to understand or at least recognize when we do typography work from now on) and told to make a glossary... and when we all moaned about how boring that was Mary Ann told us we were free to do whatever we chose as long as we followed the design rules (using a grid, working closely with the setup of the words themselves on the page, etc)
I did an accordion fold - a HUGE one - with a little box to hold it.
The sqaures are each 3x3 inches.
The entire thing is 162 inches long...!
I had to contain the darn thing (it kept escaping and flopping open, wreaking havoc on the contents of my room) so I built it a tiny 3x3 inch box with a cover.
Fits like a GLOVE - then I added the matching bow to the top to keep the box interesting, and VOILA!