
One of my classes this year is called "design thinking", where we've learned different tools for helping your brain get past all those annoying little road blocks, and also how the mind works.
Our big project for that class wasn't anything like the other classes I've taken - no printing things, or designing whatsoever. We had to go on a Hero's Journey.
It's basically something - anything - that puts you outside of your comfort zone in one way or another. Or something that's just generally hard for you to do. One of the girls, who's a real ham and always has something funny to say, went a week without cracking a joke. Another didn't talk for a week - she was only allowed to make incomprehensible noises.
These photos are from my Hero's Journey: I was the model in a photoshoot.
Mine was a mix of a bunch of things, now that I think about it.
Number one: as much as I'm an expert faker, I don't - in fact - like meeting new people all that much. I prefer to stick with the same old people I've known forever and leave it at that. To do this I had to meet Julien (who's actually a friend of Kat's) Worse still I had to email him without knowing a THING about his personality, or whether he'd think I was a nutcase.
Number two: I had to actually organize. If only you could see my room at this moment you'd understand.
Number three: I had to wear makeup and not look like I'd just rolled out of bed. I can barely tell blush from eyeshadow most days, and we all know I prefer grubby jeans to anything nice!
Number four: I had to keep from making stupid faces in the pictures. THAT was difficult. I make faces even when I don't realize it.
In the end Julien was a sweetheart (and VERY good with a camera), Claire came with me to keep me from being a nerd, I got to explore downtown Toronto, and I did not - PHEW! - look like a charity case.
(I'll tell you what, though: don't go wandering around the waterfront without a coat on in very early spring. It makes for cold fingers and noses)