Thank you thank you thank you to Leah for inspiring me to actually try different drawing styles, because do they ever WORK! I've tended to use a lot of photographs or very technical things on posters for class, but this one... this one just needed to be so much friendlier.
Brunswick Street Baptist Church, the lovely church my mother attends, has two beautiful special services every year at Christmastime. A candlelight service, where Christmas carols and performances are the order of the day, and two Christmas Eve services.
This year they wanted to try and reach out to a "non-church" audience, so I drew this for them.
It's funny. I had a taste of HUGE posters this year, so it was really hard to think about where to put all this information onto an 11x17 and have it be readable by all ages.
All I knew when I started was that I wanted that star and the verse to be by themselves.
I've learned something from it, though. I have to start thinking like my professors, because they always seem to have much better answers than I do for most design problems (obviously! They're the ones that have been in the field for years)
I'll get there.
I just need more practice.
P.S. Curly hand drawn script (that took forever to make workable, I might add) beats pre-made script fonts any day. I can only take so much of seeing Edwardian Script curlicues everywhere.