This is page one of six for the first project I had to do in my Visual Language class last term.
As simple as it may seem, it was a VERY difficult project to wrap my brain around.
We had to illustrate six concepts:
- Texture
- Direction
- Space
- Weight
- Scale
- Form
Easy enough, since I already knew what they meant from previous art classes in highschool (texture is making something look textured, direction is where it points or leads your eye, space is where it is on the page and how it takes up space, weight is how it draws your eye to heavier seeming objects, scale is size and, form is... well, form)
The tricky part was that we were only allowed to use SOLID BLACK objects. No white except in the background, no holes punched out of shapes, not even outlined shapes could be used.
AND we could only chose from three basic shapes: a cirle, a square, or a triangle. You were not allowed to mix and match (each image had to be made of ONLY circles or ONLY squares - not a mix of both)
We then had to make TWO images for each concept, and make them look different.
It was really hard to make all of them look different, and yet be interesting at the same time.
For part two of the project (this includes this page and page 3/6) we had to combine TWO of the concepts and create more images.
For part two of the project (this includes this page and page 3/6) we had to combine TWO of the concepts and create more images.
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