After a long summer of nothing I have four posters to put up.
For Communication Design 2 this year we were put in charge of picking a Canadian festival and designing a system of posters, tickets, and brochures to advertise it.
The poster project is the largest: we had to make 3 completely different versions (one literal, one abstract, and one symbolic) and then pick ONE of those 3 to carry on into the later parts of the project.
Sadly one of the posters I (and apparently a bunch of my other classmates) loved the most was outright shot down by my professor because of personal tastes. I'll post it anyway because I loved it and will mourn its passing.
(The fourth poster is the unfortunate reject)
I chose to use the trumpet player and continue the further designs for this class around him.
You'll see them soon!
There are some red splotches in the top right of the fourth poster that look like someone throwing up the devil horns! I like!
The trumpet player is likely the most appropriate though.
It's totally supposed to be barf horns xD
I'm growing to like the trumpet guy.
He's got style. Particularly the jaunty chapeau he's sporting.
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