Since it will be a while until I post the next bunch of finished projects I thought I should tide you over with some of the latest work from my Drawing for Design class.
We've since moved on from buildings and geometric shapes to organic shapes.
For the past couple of classes we've been doing a lot of sketching of fruits and vegetables - we had our choice of which kind. The only rule was that there had to be two of the same kind, so we could see some variation.
Pretty funny: you could tell which of the students in the class had to live off meal plans or on tiny grocery allowances - we all brought things to eat after class was over! Needless to say the small army of apples and bananas was decimated before the 4 hours were up.
We started off with realistic sketches, and moved on to more abstract representations as time wore on (or as you started to get bored of pencils)
You all only managed to eat one tenth of the fruit? I would have thought the average group of university students would have devoured ALL of the fruit! :p
My favorite apple is the second to last one. It's SO RED. So red that it is LEAKING RED!
We were too cheap to buy MORE to continue the project the next week, so we had to leave SOME of the fruit intact.
The strawberries... the strawberries met a quick end. The blackberries? We murdered them and used them as fingerpaints.
That one's my favorite too <3
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