I made this out of super sculpey (a really easy-to-use, versatile, oven-bakeable! modeling clay) for my mom one christmas.
It's actually the second mask I've made (the first was a massive, heavy, red-clay mask of an elf) and I have to say I'm really proud of it. Considering I was just making it up as I went with no real idea of how I wanted it to look it turned out okay!
The beast side of the face took forever to paint - the horn was easy enough (it's just a spiral of tinfoil coated in the clay) but the tiny tufts of "fur" at the corner of the eye were really hard to get at (and you can't paint this stuff before baking - it all has to be after the fact)
Since the human side looked so bare I decided to include the ever-important rose on that side, and put only a tiny bud on the other.
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