This is the second project I did for my Design and Image class. We were each given a topic involving how natural things organize themselves (some of the ones people got were: radials like the slices in an orange, concentric circles like in an onion, branching, spirals like in a seashell, etc.)
We then had to pick a natual object that exemplified our topic, and create a two-page (the image shows only one page because it is meant to be folded down the middle, as if in a book) spread with information about that object and our topic.
It's 17 x 11 inches, and is in only two colors. Black+that pinkish red (white doesn't count as another color because there is no such thing as white ink)
My topic was clusters.
Suprisingly difficult topic to reasearch. Unless you looked for something specificly involving clusters all you would get is a dinky little definition ("a small group of things organized into a group" being about as detailed as I found) and a massive list of scientific clusters (we're talking quantum chemistry type information here, people - and we all know I've had enough of THAT kettle of fish)
I ended up chosing the Pomegranate. WOW are those things ever messy when you open them wrong. The BIG photo in the middle is my own, after I hacked one open with a BUTTERKNIFE. I DO NOT suggest trying that. You get juice in your eyes. The darned things fight back.
If the blog lets you, try making the image bigger by clicking on it - you might actually be able to read all of the words (mind you it WILL be huge - so you're forewarned)
EDIT: Darnit. I found one typo already that I missed before printing. But them's the ropes. You don't always find EVERYTHING.
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